I don't normally write about a specific product, but I was so excited by these chips during a recent trip I took last week to San Diego that I had to share.

Sometimes being on a Paleo, gut-healthy diet is tough.  You can only eat at higher-end restaurants (which I'm not really complaining about, but it does limit your options), you often have to ask for substitutions when eating out, and you inevitably need to spend some time in your own kitchen (which is great if you like to cook, not so great if you don't like to cook).  One of my biggest frustrations is finding great products when I travel to the States, but not being able to get them locally.  I've written about this before.

So there I was perusing the aisles of Whole Foods in San Diego, and getting some Primal Kitchens Mayo, and some Epic bars - there were even amazing Paleo choices at their cafeteria style buffet where I loaded up a container for lunch one day - when I saw Grain Free Tortilla Chips.  I immediately grabbed a couple of bags and threw them into our cart.  These chips are produced by Siete, which is a family owned company that started supporting Veronica, a family member suffering from multiple autoimmune conditions, by creating grain-free tortillas and chips.  These are AMAZING!  In fact I would go so far as to say that these are better than any tortilla chip I've ever eaten.  Made from cassava flour, avocado oil, coconut flour, ground chia seed and sea salt, these chips rival the best with their crunch and flavour.

So next time you are visiting the States, leave room in your suitcase for a few bags of tortilla chips.  I even brought a bag back for my young son, who has the most sensitive of guts, and he LOVES them, and hasn't had any tummy troubles.  He was pretty excited to be able to eat a chip again.  I won't lie - I went through 4 bags in the 5 days we were on our trip.  Probably not the healthiest thing to do (still a processed food), but like I said sometimes eating this way is tough, and it was an indulgence that I didn't feel guilty about.

Want to see more products like this on local store shelves?
Talk to the customer service staff at your local health food store and inquire.  If there is enough demand, they'll start bringing in more products.  I'm trying to set up a meeting with SPUD to see if they are willing to carry more Paleo goods.
You are your strongest advocate, so if you want to see more Paleo products on store shelves, then let the store you shop at know.

Happy, Healthy Eating (and Shopping)!
