I'm moving!

I’m shifting focus. My clinical practice is the same as always. My physical location is the same. But I’m moving my energy to a new location.

For several years I’ve been working really hard on creating content for a project called Histamine Haven. It’s time to put all my focus there.

This is My Last Blog Post Here

You may have noticed that I haven’t been writing as many blog posts recently. That’s because I’ve been really busy creating content for Histamine Haven. Blog content, course content, content for speaking engagements… A lot of content.

It has meant that I haven’t had the time or energy I once had to create content here. It was getting to be too much, so I have made the decision to retire my Healthy Apple Blog. A difficult decision to be sure, but the right one for me.

Make the Move with Me

The idea for Histamine Haven came from my work with complex cases. Some of my clients had complex needs that involved juggling multiple dietary protocols at once. Low histamine, low oxalate, low salicylate, gut healthy… I needed to find a way to take the complexity out of it all.

Turns out I was one of those complex people too. I had been doing everything right. I was eating a paleo, low lectin diet, with a lot of fermented foods. I was doing all the right things for gut health. Some symptoms had improved, but new ones developed. What the heck?

I did what I always do. I turned to the research and did a deep dive into histamine and mast cell mediated symptoms and health conditions. The final impetus came in 2019 when I was diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). I was now both a practitioner and a patient. This was the final impetus to create resources to help people struggling with histamine and mast cell mediated issues!

I partnered up with a highly respected colleague, Luka Symons. She has a similar journey to mine. We took everything we had learned that made us feel better and created Histamine Haven. We created it out of a need—a need for science-based resources that took the complexity away and made it simple.

If any of this story sounds familiar or resonates with you, maybe Histamine Haven is where you should be. Come check us out.


It has been a blast! Thanks for entrusting me on your gut health journey. I hope you and your microbes will thrive and prosper. I hope food continues to be part of your journey.

Happy, Healthy Eating!